Studying the Effect of Different Separating Medium on the Roughness of the tissue surface of Acrylic Denture Base (In Vitro Study)
Separating Medium, Surface roughness of acrylic dentureAbstract
Objective: In order to evaluate the effect of different typed of Separating Medium on the roughness of the fitted
tissue surface of acrylic denture base.
Methodology: Chosen three types of separating medium (Group A Tin foil), (Group B Detery Isolant),(Group C
Cold Mould Seal),used 30 samples of hot cure acrylic resin ,10 samples for each group, after complete curing of
these samples , Profilometer device was used to measure the surface roughness of each sample in all groups.
Results: Using One Way ANOVA Test and LSD test, the results were highly significant in differences among all
groups. Although (Group A) showing lest roughness, (Group B) showing a satisfactory result of roughness, While
(Group C) Showing the highest unsatisfactory surface roughness of acrylic denture base.
Recommendations: make other studies on the effect of different separating medium on other properties of
the fitted tissue surface of acrylic denture base such as hardness.